About Us

Spencer Sindhusen


Adam Deng




Read our principles here!

We exist to advance intellectual diversity and open inquiry to MIT, a university nominally home to boundary-breakers and free thinkers. Through our guest speakers and panels, we inspire MITers to think about and interact with heterodox and creative views.

Universities are supposed to be the most vibrant spaces for sharing different perspectives, but nowadays, they fall far short of that goal. MIT is ranked 136th in the nation for free speech and open inquiry. The faculty and the MIT Free Speech Alliance (MFSA) passed a Free Expression Statement. But principles are not enough; they must be practiced.

We show students, alumni, and onlookers that there are many angles to ideas and issues. We believe many viewpoints ignored or unexplored by academia are worth listening to and examining, and that being able to ask questions freely and fearlessly is critical to intellectual flourishing. We will lead MIT out of the darkness of Prof. Dorian Abbot's cancellation in 2021. We are the pioneers of open inquiry at MIT.