Media Mentions

The news covers us.

Freedom of Speech at MIT!

12/8/23 • Jodie T. Chapin, Community Advocate (local newspaper)

"This courageous group of students sought to live up to their charter and invited Steve"

MIT free speech group hosts vaccine critic Steve Kirsch

12/4/23 • Maggie Kelly, The College Fix

"Steve Kirsch the invitation of a new student group dedicated to intellectual diversity."

Steve Kirsch Addresses MIT

12/4/23 • John Leake, Courageous Discourse

"MIT Students for Open Inquiry...succeeded in getting give a talk"

December Open Thread

12/4/23 • James Corbett, Corbett Report

"The waves student activists at MIT are making in the heart of the military-industrial beast"

A Crime Against Humanity...

12/2/23 • Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge

"The MIT Students for Open Inquiry...invite[d] Steve to present in his auditorium."

MIT Students Invite Steve Kirsch to Cross Vaccine Rubicon

12/2/23 • Creative Destruction Media

"The night was filled with thunderous applause, for...MSOI's bravery for hosting the event."

The Magic Moment

12/1/23 • James Howard Kunstler

"The MIT Students for Open Inquiry...invite[d] Steve to present in his auditorium."

Meet The MIT Champions Taking Back Free Speech!

11/21/23 • WLT Report

"Keep up the good fight MSOI, we’re rooting you on from afar!"

Meet The MIT Champions Taking Back Free Speech!

11/21/23 • 100 Percent Fed Up

"I have always said that a critical step in taking back our country is for good people to speak up!"